Are you already using Send Gate for your communication and want to level up to Send Gate Plus?
Since the two versions are not compatible with each other we recommend you to follow this guide to convert your setup.
The recommendation is to convert project by project until you are done.
Preparing your old Send Gate setup
The first thing you need to do is to remove all old Send gate settings on account level.
Find your way to Account settings > Webhooks and remove any Send Gate webhook endpoint stored on account level:
To keep old Send Gate on specific projects while converting, make sure you have an endpoint for all of these on project level (verify by selecting the project in the dropdown).
Send Gate settings
Go to Account settings > Send Gate and make sure all projects that should continue to run on old Send gate have an active Send Gate configuration.
Then deactivate any configuration on account level; setting account level to Active = NO:
Setup Send Gate Plus
For the project you want to start converting, delete the old Send Gate endpoint and disable the configuration (same steps as above) on project level and follow the guide to complete the setup.
Any deliveries in journeys in the converted project should be updated to respond to the new configuration.