Scheduled import DataDocs

Scheduled Imports with DataDocs enables you to automatically synchronize documents from your databases into Symplify.

You can use file transfer to create and update documents in your DocTypes. Please note that to delete documents, you must use the API

Before you start, read the DataDocs specifications and setup your DocType.

To be able to use DataDocs with it's full potential, it is recommended to use the API for all kind of updates. 


File format

It is possible to import files containing JSON or CSV. 

The default method for importing documents is using JSON

The data file is expected to be an UTF8-encoded text file where each line is in a JSON object:

{"originalid":"F3","bookingnumber":"F3-2","transactionDate":"2024-06-02","category":"sport","eventDate":"2024-09-01","event":"Team A - Team B","eventDetails":{"location":"Tiny Stadium","startTime":"15.00"},"orderItems":[{"ticketType":"adult","quantity":1,"price":15},{"ticketType":"student","quantity":2,"price":10}]}
{"originalid":"F3", "bookingnumber":"F3-3", "transactionDate": "2024-05-30", "category": "music", "eventDate": "2024-07-22","event":"The musical","eventDetails": {"location": "Big Arena", "Entrance": "F", "startTime": "20.00"},"orderItems":[{"ticketType":"adult","quantity":2,"price":20},{"ticketType":"kid","quantity":1,"price":10},{"ticketType":"student","quantity":1,"price":15}]}


If you want to use CSV, make sure your file is comma separated:

123456,ABC-123,2023-05-30,music,2023-07-22,Big Arena,F,20.00
123456,DFG-456,2023-06-02,sport,2023-09-01,Tiny Stadium,,15.00


Import setup

When you have prepared your file, find your way to Account settings > Scheduled imports. Click on Create new and select "DataDocs" in the dropdown.

Set a name, select your DocType and define your preprocessor (the file structure, JSON or CSV):

Then set up a schedule and the file settings and you're done.

Save your import and verify your setup by clicking Run now (make sure to add your file to your FTP first).

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