Save an email as boilerplate

Watch our video on how to create a new boilerplate

You can make your own boilerplate when creating an email draft with the default boilerplate and save it as a boilerplate.

Or sometimes, it is easier to make a new boilerplate from an existing one by creating an email draft, make the changes and save it as a new boilerplate - especially when you want to use the boilerplate with a project that has other Skins settings than account settings. 

To save the email draft, go to the "administration" tab in the email editor.

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Click at "Save as new boilerplate"

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 10.53.00.png

Give the boilerplate a new name and click save

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 10.53.28.png

Your boilerplate can now be found under "Account settings" - "Boilerplate"

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 10.54.37.png

In case you don't see the administration tab, contact our support team and they will activate the feature at your account. 

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