Data Masking

Data Masking is an add-on blocking users to view and export sensitive contact data in order to prevent data breaches.

The value in a masked attribute will be visually replaced by asterixis:


When activating Data Masking, a dedicated user will get assigned the account ownership role and will be responsible for which contact attributes that contains sensitive data and which don't. 

By default, the only attributes showing values on a contact are Original id and dates set by the system (like created date, Modified date and optout dates). The account owner can then add attributes (attribute names) to a list of not masked (visible) attributes which will allow users to view and export the values in these attributes.
This is done on Account settings > Data masking.

When adding a new attribute to your account, values within will always be masked until stated otherwise.


Your daily work

You will be able to run the full platform as intended but, depending on the sensitivity of the attributes you're working with, you might not always be able to view data on contacts.

In below example viewing a contact, first name, last name, email address and mobile number are masked while check is not:



Masked attributes will not be included in exported files, like segment exports or sendout exports. However, they are included in Scheduled exports in order to be able to synchronize data between systems (all exports should be looked into to verify that any export email is sent to a verified recipient).


In contact with Symplify support

Symplify support agents will not be able to view your masked data. If you are in contact with Symplify support, you might be asked by the support agent to temporarily unmask your contact data for Symplify support users to help you further with your request. Your regular users will not be affected by this.
This is done on Account settings > Data masking.


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