Testing a Journey

When you've built your Journey you can preview the flow by clicking on the Test button.

​Your Journey version will open in test mode. In the top you can select to show your flow while previewing.

To start, click the button Walk me through my Journey. By using the arrow buttons at the top you'll navigate the flow preview. If you choose you show your Journey while previewing, you can also click on the steps to navigate.

On each step you'll get a summary of the settings. If there are missing settings you can fix them right away just by clicking Fix.



First you'll get a summary of your Journey starter.

Here you can test your starter to see how many matches your starter conditions at the moment.


Just like when testing regular segments in Symplify you have two different options for testing a Journey starter.

  1. Count how many matches
    This will search through the selected database and provide a number of how many matching contacts you have in your database at the moment.
  2. See who matches
    This test will bring you the first 10 contacts that matches your starter (and then the test stops).
    You can select to view a contact to verify attribute data. Each attribute where there are some data value on the contact will be visible.

Message step

Message steps will provide a summary of the settings for your message, which may vary depending on selected channel.

You will have a preview of your message to the right.


Wait step

Depending on what type of Wait you've added, Wait steps will show the number of days or the nearest upcoming dates a contact will wait until moving on to the next step. Or if it's triggered from some other system (Wait for API call). 


Split step

If you have included a split step in your Journey version, you'll get a summary of the split. To move on in the preview, select what path to follow. (You can always go back to follow some other path.)

When clicking Next you'll select the path.



When you've reached the end of your path you'll see the Exit sign.
If your Journey ends with a Exit and join Journey, you'll see what Journey is connected to the Exit.

​Stop testing

To close the test mode and return to your version, simply click Cancel test at your top right.


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