The statistical numbers are calculated on the following measurements:
Sent – the amount of recipients that Symplify is trying to send to.
Opened – emails opened from the delivered emails. Email opened is measured if you either load images and or click a link (please be aware of Apple's Mail Privacy Protection).
Clicked – amount of unique recipients that have clicked once or more in the email delivered. If a recipient clicks 10 times it is only measured as “1” here. *
Conversion – total amount of conversions based on unique conversions. If a recipient acts a second time within the same email the second conversion will be added.
Conversion amount - total amount linked to the sendout
Hard bounced – total amount of hard bounces responses triggered by the email
Soft bounced – total amount of soft bounces responses triggered by the email
Unsubscribed – total amount of contacts opted out via the email
Complaints – Number for how many that clicked “spam” button in email client. Sets the recipient as unsubscribed.
% Opened – Opened / (Sent - bounces)
% Not opened – Not opened / (Sent - bounces)
% Click (CTOR) – Clicked / Opened
% Click through (CTR) - Clicked / (Sent - bounces)
% Conversions – Conversions / Clicked
% Hard Bounced – Hard Bounced / Sent
% Soft Bounced – Soft Bounced / Sent
% Unsubscribed - Unsubscribed / (Sent - bounces)
*It is not unusual for bots to pre-click links in sendouts, causing confusion when the number of clicks reported in Symplify doesn't correlate with website traffic numbers. However, some bots identify themselves as bots and can, in such cases, be detected and removed from the click statistics.
The amount of recipients that can receive your email just looking at how many emails that were generated when you selected your list and segment. This is the amount of emails sent. Your emails are queued for send. Sometimes when sending large volumes you might see that it takes minutes or sometimes hours for the emails to be sent. Symplify does not send emails to recipients in your list without an email address. If there still is some emails not sent days after you hit the send button, these recipients got an email address is not correctly formatted (i.e. (without the “@” character)
There is only two ways of tracking an open and who has opened an email:
Symplify adds a 1×1 pixel blank .gif in the email and when images are loaded Symplify knows that the recipients has opened. This means that if the recipient do not download images and don’t click any links there is no way of knowing if the email has been read. Some might actually read your email but not taken any actions. So the number of opens must be looked at as a bit pessimistic number. There is probably more reading it.
If a recipient clicks in the email Symplify track this as an open even if the recipient did not download images.
Make sure you are understood in Apple's Mail Privacy Protection, which may impact your open statistics.
Complaints are when recipients hit the spam button or similar. Read more about complaints here.
SMS statistics
The overall statistics for SMS are of course a bit more limited than for email campaigns due to the nature of SMS content possible.
Sent – The numbers of recipients that Symplify tries to send to (even if a recipient should prove to have bad data in mobile number field such as “00000000”)
Confirmed received – The amount of recipients that received the SMS based on response from local SMS operators.
Confirmed received % – Confirmed received / Sent.
Dynamic web
Visitors - Unique number of contacts that reached the page
Page views - Total views (some contacts may have visited the page more than once)
First page visits - Visitors that have not been on any other page within the dynamic web before.
Clicked - Click on any link per page visit (submit buttons are not included).
TotalClicked - Total number of clicks
Unique conversions - Unique number of conversions (some contacts may have converted more than once)
Converted - Number of unique visitors that have converted