Scheduled Exports

Scheduled exports enables you to synchronize your Symplify data with i.e. your CRM.
Your exports will run at a selected frequency and the files placed on your FTP account.


Exports from Sent messages

Please note that below strategies so they are separate exports/file results from each other.

Sent – All sent messages from account for a set time period, plus any added field from data base. Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example.

Opened – All opened messages from account for a set time period, plus any added field from data base. Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example

Clicked – All clicked messages from account for a set time period, plus any added field from data base. Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example

Hard Bounced – All hard bounced messages from account for a set time period, plus any added field from data base. Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example

Unsubscriptions – All unsubscribed messages from account for a set time period, plus any added field from data base. (applies to emails sent with Symplify default unsubscribed link) Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example

Complaints – All sent messages from account for a set time period with registered complaints, plus any added field from data base. Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example

Five soft bounces – deactivation – All 5X soft bounced in a row messages from account for a set time period, plus any added field from data base. Note that this export per default extracts data from all messages sent from account, such as campaign, auto send, and transactonal send outs. But with additional column data such as campaign name, project name etc, the raw data can be post sorted by you based upon those values for example

Exports from data base/recipients lists:

  • All Contacts – per list plus any added field from data base – One off export
  • New Contacts – per list plus any added field from data base per selected time span
  • Active Contacts – per list plus any added field from data base per selected time span

Scheduled exports setup

Click on Create new export and add a description to your export in the dialogue that appears.


Export settings will open and this is where you set your export.


Select your export strategy, e.g. what is your main objective of your export (descriptions for each export above).

Then select the time period, e.g. how many days of data should your exported filed contain. The most common time period is “yesterday” (with the export frequency “every day”, more about frequency below).


Select the data you want to include in your export.


Click on Add suggested columns for current strategy to include the recommended data for the strategy you selected.
If you want to include other data columns you can choose from the dropdown and hit Add column.

Note that all columns are not available for all strategies, these will be empty in your exported file.


If you want to get a notification when your export is done you can toggle Send notification to Yes and add your email address.


Export frequency

Enable your export and select how often your export should run. (You can also export immediately as a one off by clicking the button Run export once.)

Then you choose when and how often your export should run. We recommend that you match the selected time period you’ve given previously.


Upload settings

On Upload settings you can specify the settings for the file transfer to your FTP.

File settings

Select the delimiter of the exported file from the dropdown, if the fields should be quoted and if you want it compressed.

FTP settings

Toggle Upload to FTP to Yes if you want to upload the file to your FTP account and select the FTP account your want to use.

Then you set the file information:

File prefix: the file name
File name date format: date for the export, i.e. yyyy-MM-dd or ddMMyyyy.
File suffix: i.e. .txt or .csv

Example file name based on above (image) settings: opened_yesterday_2017-11-28.txt


You can also use add a segment for your exported file if you want to narrow down your export. I.e. if you want to exclusively export specific recipients or activity.


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