Projects are the backbone of your account for creating a structure of your communication.
This article explains the project settings, if you're looking for more detailed project information you can read this article.
Projects can be accessed on Account settings by administrators. Here you can manage your settings, publishing approval and available templates.
Project settings
From here you can save default settings for your communication:
- Project name
- Project type
- Language settings
- Email settings
- Link settings
- Unsubscribe
- Engagement filter
- Master segment
Project type
The project type sets what type of communication you can create within a project. By selecting Mixed (recommended) you can select any channel you want and within any sending module.
If you select i.e. Transactional SMS you can only create (*drum roll*) SMS in the Transactional module.
Language settings
When sending emails the encoding of your characters is important. The encoding tells the web browser or email application how to interpret the text characters in your email. A wrongly interpreted encoding can result in question marks or squares instead of your wanted Ö or €.
Therefor you must select an encoding that covers your character space. For most of us, UTF-8 (default) will do the trick. This basically means that you don´t have to worry when sending emails to European or American markets. If you however know that you will send also to other parts of the world where they have language character sets that need a specific encoding you should do some tests with the corresponding language encoding to verify the result.
Email settings
Set the default sender and reply address for your project. The selected addresses will be preselected when creating a new sendout within the project.
But not only that, when creating a new draft, sender and reply addresses will by default run on current project settings, meaning any changes to the project default sender and reply will immediately have affect on all sendouts with this setting.
This is especially recommended when creating emails in Journeys, since you can update the sender and/or reply address in one place (not having to access and update each sendout at a time).
In the dropdown for available addresses you will recognize this option seeing Dynamic based on project next to the address.
If you don’t want your sendout to follow the project settings you can select any other option in the list. By selecting any other address, project settings will be ignored.
Voice settings
Set the default caller number. The saved number will be preselected when creating a new voice sendout within the project.
Link settings
Select the tracking domain you want to use for this project. Tracking domains enables Symplify to track customer engagement in your sendouts.
Unsubscribe URL
Select the method for any recipients wanting to opt out from your emails.
Engagement filter
The Engagement filter is where you can set how long a recipient should be considered a recipient if he/she isn’t opening any emails from you.
A timeframe selected on project level will override any settings on account level.
Master segment
If you select at segment as Project Master segment, this segment will be additional to the segment selected in your send out when sending from this project.
Select the Everyone segment to remove the master segment from this project.
Publishing approval
If you want emails to be approved by others before send out you can use the feature Publishing approval. This feature can be activated on a project level and will send an email with information about the send out to the added publishers (all emails in the selected project must get approved). Publishers can then choose to approve or reject the email.
You can also select email templates to a project, the selected template(s) will be the only one selectable when creating new sendouts + the default boilerplate.
The selection is made by an on/off button, so to add template you hit Use in this project and to remove it you click Remove from this project.