Journey Wait Webhook

When setting up a Journey including a Wait for API call you must have a webhook endpoint setup. Use an endpoint which is managing the incomming hooks asynchroniously.

The endpoint receives information about who is entering the wait step and how to release each contact to different paths of your Journey.

You can then push a contact forward in your flow whenever connected events in other systems are completed.

The Wait for API call step will always provide three paths: accepted, rejected and timeout. Each contact entering the wait gets a unique accept request (leads to path A) and a unique reject request (leads to path B). If non of these are called within the timeframe set on the timeout, the contact will enter the timeout path (path C).

Set up

Go to Account settings > (Integrations) Journey wait webhook. In the dropdown, select if you want to edit on account level or for a specific project.

  • Webhook endpoint: The URL where you want to receive the webhook.
  • Custom header and value: Enter an optional header and header value.
  • Basic auth user and password: If your endpoint is secured with basic auth you enter the credentials here.


All settings saved in a project will override any settings on account level.

For example, if you're setting up a Journey in a project where no endpoint has been saved, the endpoint saved on account level will be used. But if you've added a webhook header on the project, this will override the webhook header on account level.

If you want to use the same settings for all your journeys, you only need to save your settings on account level. 


Webhook information

The webhook will include the following details:​​

ContactId: The original ID of the contact
CarmaContactId: Symplify enduser ID
ListId: The list of the Journey and contact
JourneyId: The ID of the Journey where the contact is waiting
JourneyVersions: The version of the Journey where the contact is waiting
JourneyStep: The ID of the waiting step
Identifiers: Your provided wait step identifier
AgentActionName: The name of the third party agent managing events (if any)
AcceptrUri: The unique URI for releasing the specific contact to continue your main flow (path A)
RejectUri: The unique URI for rejecting the specific contact to continue your main flow and instead enter path B.
CustomFields: Customized information provided in the Wait step.



Learn more about using the API wait.

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