Survey provides a bunch of different questions types, these are found in the Toolbox to the right. You can either just click on a question type to add it to your survey or use drag and drop.
Please read more about settings concerning all questions here.
Different question types
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Single input
Single input question enables the participants to write their own answer or description to a question.
Input type
You change the input type from text to some other format, like date or color and the input field will change character.
Input place holder
If you want a specific text in your input field you'll write it here.
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Checkboxes enables the participants to select one or more of your predefined alternatives.
By ticking Has other item the participants can write their own alternatives.
Select choices order
In what order should your different choices be displayed?
None (in the order they are in Choices)
Column count
Choose the number of columns for your choices.
Here you define your different checkbox alternatives.
You can do this in two ways depending on if you want save specific values for your alternatives.
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Leather seats but the value saved for Leather seats is item1:
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Leather seats and the value is also Leather seats:
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By ticking Has other item the participants can write their own alternatives.
Select choices order
In what order should your different choices be displayed?
None (in the order they are in Choices)
Column count
Choose the number of columns for your choices.
Here you define your different radiogroup alternatives.
You can do this in two ways depending on if you want save specific values for your alternatives.
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Leather seats but the value saved for Leather seats is item1:
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Leather seats and the value is also Leather seats:
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Dropdowns enables the participants to select one or more of your predefined alternatives from a dropdown.
By ticking Has other item the participants can write their own alternatives.
Select choices order
In what order should your different choices be displayed?
None (in the order they are in Choices)
Column count
Choose the number of columns for your choices.
Here you define your different dropdown alternatives.
You can do this in two ways depending on if you want save specific values for your alternatives.
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Leather seats but the value saved for Leather seats is item1:
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Leather seats and the value is also Leather seats:
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Comment question enables the participants to write their own answer or description to a question.
Row count
Select the number of rows for the input field.
Input place holder
If you want a specific text in your input field you’ll write it here.
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Rating questions enables the participant to rate their answer in a scale.
Minimimun/Maximum rate description
If you want descriptional end points to your scale you write those here.
Rate values
Default rating scale is 1-5 in numbers. You can define your scale here.
You can do this in two ways depending on if you want save specific values for your alternatives.
In this example the displayed text for our first rate value is Bad but the value saved for Bad is 1:
In this example the displayed text for our first rate value is Bad and the value is also Bad:
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HTML isn’t a question in it's real meaning but you can use the Html block to spice your survey up and add for example a YouTube video or something you’ve coded on your own to illustrate a question. Or just text.
Html Editor
Paste your Html in the Html Editor tab.
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A Matrix question asks the participants to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices.
Here you define your different columns.
You can do this in two ways depending on if you want save specific values for your columns.
In this example the displayed text for our first column is Not nice but the value saved for Not nice is 1:
In this example the displayed text for our first choice is Not nice and the value is also Not nice:
Here you define your different rows.
It’s based on the same principle as columns.
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A Panel isn't a question on its own but a container into where you add questions.
The Panel can be effective if you want to two or more questions to follow up on a specific answer on a previous question. In other words, a panel is great to use with Visible if.
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Bar rating
Bar rating questions enables the participant to rate their answer in a star scale.
Default rating scale is 1-5 stars. You can adjust the number of stars here by adding or deleting rows.
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All countries
All countries is a predefined question that enables the participants to select a country in a dropdown. The choices can't be modified.
By ticking Has other item the participants can write their own alternatives.
Select choices order
In what order should your different choices be displayed?
None (in the order they are in Choices)
Options caption
The text shown on the dropdown bar when no alternative is selected (default text is Select a country…)
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