Progress center

On Progress center you can overview your current and past account activity. You can access Progress center from the dashboard.


All events that process any information towards your database will be visible from here. Intitially you'll see the events Campaign sendouts, segment tests and segment exports. Over time more event types will be added.​

Progress center is divided into four status tabs:

  • In progress
  • Pending
  • Done
  • Stopped

​Your event is represented by a row on the tab in question. Depending on type of event and status you'll see different information on your event rows.

By clicking on an event row, you'll get a summary of the event and status.​

Note that on each status, there may be hidden events which you don't have access to view due to the permission group you're in. These hidden events may still affect your events.

Campaign event lables

All campaign events may have the additional information Approval and/or Schedule. This depends on your account settings (approval) and your campaign settings (if you are scheduling a sendout).


Symplifys' two types of approval processes, Publishing approval and Send Gate will be reflected here.

  • green icon - the sendout is approved
  • gray icon - awaiting approval


If you have a sendout scheduled at a later point the time of your sendout will be shown.



In progress

All events that are being processed at the moment or is waiting in queue to be processed are found on In progress.

Events in progress can be cancelled by clicking on the event row and then the cancel button in the appearing information box.


In order to optimize the events running in your database, the number of events in process are limited. If you have reached that limit, you can still start new events but these will be placed in queue. Queued events will start when one of your other events is done processing.

An event placed in queue will have a pause icon showing.


All events that currently are i.e. searching through your database or creating messages can be viewed on Processing.

When a processed event is done it will, depending on your settings, be moved to Pending or Done.

If something went wrong with the processing of your event or if it was cancelled, it will be move to Stopped.



Campaigns waiting to be sent is found in Pending. No other event type can get the pending status. So, why are they here? Campaigns can be waiting for:

  • ... a Send gate confirmation (someone to confirm the target group of the sendout)
  • ... the scheduled time

Note that a scheduled campaign will not be sent at the scheduled time if it is still awaiting a Send gate confirmation.




All events that are finished are found under Done.


All campaigns in this view are done deals and sent to your contacts.

The campaign report is found in the Sent view for the used channel.


Database activity that doesn't send any messages, but updating the database, exporting data or asking segment questions are found under Audience.

From here you can for example download segment export results or view number of updated contacts. Just click on the event row and select your interaction.



All events that for some reason was cancelled are found under Stopped.

It can be that your event got an error or that an event connected to an approval process was rejected.

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