Condition groups

When adding conditions to your segments the default setting is to match all of your main conditions. But you can also change that in order to match some of your conditions or, let's say, at least two of them.

As you can see in the top left of below example, a contact should match all of the conditions. 


But if you want to connect some of your conditions to match this or that you can do so by adding one or more groups.

In the below example, all contacts must have a Check_in matching tomorrow.
Then a contact must have either the value full board in the attribute Meals or match both values half board in Meals and prepaid in Payment.



To change the setting of a grouping, click on the pen icon.
To add a new sub-grouping, click on the + (plus) icon and select the group type you want to add:

  • All – the contact must match all of the conditions
  • Any of – the contact must match at least one of the conditions
  • At least – e.g. if at least two of your three conditions must match
  • At most – e.g. if at most two of your three conditions must match
  • Exactly – e.g. if exactly two of your three conditions must match

Then you state your conditions as usual by choosing for example a recipient attribute or activity and edit the criterias within.

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