Why when I export a complete list, the number of contacts is higher than the number of subscribers to whom I send my newsletters?


When exporting the data, you receive the complete list of subscribers to this list. You will have to make a filter according to your needs. For example, to have the real number of active subscribers, you have to take into account the OPTOUTDATE_WITH_TIME:( Blank = subscribed and With a Date = unsubscribed) and EMAIL_USERS columns (True = active / False = inactive).


Other useful definitions:

DATECREATED_WITH_TIME: date of creation of the subscriber

DATEMODIFIED_WITH_TIME: date of last modification of this subscriber's profile

DATEOFINVALIDATION_WITH_TIME: Blank = Active / Date = Bounced

OPTOUTDATE_WITH_TIME: Blank = registered / Date = unsubscribed

EMAIL_USERS : True = active / False = inactive

ACTIVE: True = active / False = inactive

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