Journey Report

To view the statistics for your journey, click on the Report tab in your journey.

You can select to view the General statistics for a summary of all your journey versions or View Journey to dig into each version and step of your journey.

In this article you will learn about:



On General, the statistics is on journey level, in other words gathered statistics from all, once active, versions.

The first thing you’ll see is the number of contacts that have entered your journey in total (all versions).
You can see the user that activated the journey (the first version) and when, and the same for the last activated version.


You’ll then get an overview of how many contacts that entered the Journey, still are in the journey and how many have completed the journey.
You can select a specific timeframe if you want to have a closer or wider perspective.


If you are using conversion tracking (if not - go get it!), you’ll get an overview of what your journey has generated; how many conversions in total, the average conversion amount and the total conversion amount.
You can select a specific timeframe if you want to have a closer or wider perspective.


On Channel totals you’ll get an overview for each channel used in the journey on how many messages that has been sent, opened, clicked and converted.
Please note that all channels don’t have the corresponding statistic measurements and may not show any numbers. Learn more below.


View Journey

On View Journey you can look into each version and the specific statistics for all the steps in your version. You’ll see each step of your flow and the statistics for each step.
Select your version in the dropdown to the left. In show/hide statistics you can choose which chart you want to see in your overview (opened/clicked/converted/bounced/unsubscribed).
You can also select a specific timeframe to view your journey version.

At the bottom of each message step you can click on View full statistics to see detailed statistics for that specific message.


Timeframes may affect your numbers

Since the nature of journeys is repeated flows over time, statistics can sometimes appear a bit skewed when looking into tighter timeframes. By selecting a tighter timeframe you will exclude statistics before and after the selected dates.

An email that was sent today may not get opened until tomorrow, resulting in the number for sent is counted today but the opened tomorrow.

In fact, the only number that is isolated to a specific day is the number of sent - opens, confirmed received, clicks, bounces etc. can be registered several days after a message was sent. 

In below example, looking at one (1) day only, we can see an open rate of 233.33%, which indeed looks odd, but mathematically is correct:

This is because on this day, 3 emails were sent, but we had some late bloomers, receiving the email on a previous day but who didn't open it until this day and all together the mathematics is:
3 email sent on this date
7 emails opened on this date

Open rate calculation is opened / (sent - bounces)

7 / 3 = 2,3333 = 233.33%


Not trackable statistics

Not all channels can be statistically measured with the same methods. These are marked by Not trackable in the overview charts.

Bounced – no such parameter exists for the channel.

App Push
Bounced – no such parameter exists for the channel.
Unsubscribed – Recipients may disable their app notifications but there are no such parameter for the channel. Recipients may disable their app notifications.

Bounced – no such parameter exists for the channel.
Unsubscribed – no such parameter exists for the channel.

Opened – no such parameter exists for the channel.
Bounced – no such parameter exists for the channel.
Unsubscribed – no such parameter exists for the channel.

Bounced – no such parameter exists for the channel.

The only stats available for the Exit step is the volume of recipients exiting the journey.


Message step statistics

Click Options > View full stats to get the detailed report for a message step. In the top right you can select message step version if you have had more than one active deliveries.


Step exports 

You can export all contacts that has been in a step in your journey.

Select the timeframe for your report in the top navigation and then click Options > Export contacts and then select the export strategy:


  • entered this step
    all contacts that entered the step during the selected timeframe
  • exited this step
    all contacts that exited the step during the selected timeframe
  • was in this step
    all contacts that entered, already was waiting or exited the step during the selected timeframe
  • entered and exited this step
    all contacts that both entered and exited the step during the selected timeframe. 
    Please note that a daily journey containing a wait for one (1) day, no contacts can be exported with this strategy.
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