The Event hub functionality is perfect if you want to react quickly to events originating from your system, and need data in Symplify to be as up-to-date as possible at every single point in time.
Event hub supports multiple data sources if you want different systems to update your data or perform events in Symplify. A data source equals a queue in Event hub.
For technical documentation, please visit
Your queues are visible on the main page when entering the Event Hub.
To add a queue, click on Create new queue on the top right.
Then you select the message processor type you want to use. Make sure you know the type before you add a queue, since this is crucial for your setup. Available types are:
Depending on the selected message processor, different configurations will be required.
Then name your queue.
Please note that you must include the queue name when posting your events with type HTTP, unless it is a converted setup (named DEFAULT).
After saving your queue, click on the name in the overview to start adding commands for the specific queue. Your new queue will be inactive until you activate it.
When overviewing a queue you'll see the different types of command mappings to the left, you can view all types or select a specific. And listed are all your command mappings within the queue.
To add an event, click on Create new and select the type:
Can create and update a contact, anonymize and start a journey. -
Can perform above things but also manage the subscription status. -
Can perform above things but also add transactional data rows. -
Can perform above things but also block a contact from receiving messages until a given date.
Click on an event to view and/or edit. All available actions are visible and you can select multiple actions that will performed when the event is triggered. Just activate the actions you want and make necessary selections if needed, for example, activate the journey action and select the journey your triggered contacts should enter:
Make sure both the command and the queue is active before you start testing.
Please note for action Enter journey:
When adding an Enter journey action you need to consider if you want to include journey isolated data or not. This means that if you want to include custom attributes to be used in the specific journey for rendering content placeholders you can not combine this action with a Create, Update or Upsert action. These actions will add and save the included data on a contact. When using Enter journey alone, the included data will be stored on the contact only for the journey.
However, you will not be able to use this journey data in segmentation.
Converting an old setup
Converting an old setup is a swift job but it can be a good idea to plan the operation based on your traffic since it can result in some minutes downtime for your events.
To convert an old setup, click on convert in the dialogue.
After converting, your old configuration will be named DEFAULT and run exactly the same as before (you will not need to include the queue name for converted setups with HTTP as mentioned above).
It's crucial that you verify and activate your queue and all your command mappings, otherwise they won't work.