Your data stored in Symplify has a due date and can be viewed on Account settings > (Recipient data) Data retention.
The system will automatically check your database daily to keep your database speedy and fresh based on your settings.
Please note that if you want to make changes to your data retention you need to reach out to your Success manager since this might affect your Symplify license.
The retention can be set on different types of data:
- Contact
- Message
- Purchase history
Contact data
Contact refers to the actual contacts in your database and all the data connected to each contact.
With the settings below, the time period for contact data is set to 12 months and purge type is based on when a contact was last modified (updated).
This will delete contacts that:
- have not been updated the last 12 months
- have not been included in any sendout the last 12 months
- are not bounced or unsubscribed
A maximum of 100 000 contacts per list per day will be deleted even if more matches the criteria.
By selecting to Purge on last import time, contacts who have not been updated with a file import within the timeframe will be affected. Please note that this method only should be selected if you are updating your databases with file imports.
Message data
All settings for message data are period based and the data is stored for the selected time frame.
Messages are the messages sent to your contacts, which you can view on e.g. a contact's message history. Messages do not store replaceable placeholder data by default (learn more).
Message history is by default stored for 12 months which means that messages that are older than 12 months will be deleted and can not be exported or targeted using segments.
Message properties are any unique values that are connected to a message but not stored on a contact. E.g. if you trigger a journey for a contact with values only connected with the messages within journey.
Message archive is a deprecated add-on which stores an exact copy of all sent messages. (Message archive is replaced by Message Cloud.)
Purchase history data
Please note that Purchase history is a deprecated add-on. Reach out to your Success manager to learn about its successor: DataDocs.
Purchase history data is the transactional data on your account (if integrated).
With the settings below, the time period for purchase history is set to 12 months based on the time the transaction was made (recommended).
This will delete rows that have a transaction time older than 12 months.
A maximum of 100 000 rows per list per day will be deleted even if more rows matches the criteria.
DataDocs data
DataDocs has no automatic data retention. Instead, you are in control of all changes to your documents from creating, updating and deleting. Meaning, the logic for when documents becomes irrelevant for your marketing strategy (that may be after a specific time or some other criteria) is up to you.
Please visit our API documentation for more information about deleting documents.