Unsubscribe methods

You must provide your recipients the option to unsubscribe from your sendouts. Depending on sendout type there are different solutions.

No messages will be sent from Symplify to recipients having a Symplify unsubscribed status.


When looking at the contact card of an unsubscribed recipient you will see the date of the opt out.


Please note that unsubscribes are connected to one specific database in Symplify. Read more about databases in Symplify here.

Email unsubscribe

There are three different methods for handling unsubscribes in Symplify. Click on the name to read more about a specific method.

1. Symplify default unsubscribe
This is the default unsubscribe option. Recipients will land on a standard optout page were they confirm and gets the Symplify email unsubscribe status. You can choose among a list of languages for your landing pages.

2. Symplify custom unsubscribe
You create your own unsubscribe flow in Symplify. Recipients will get to your customized optout page were they confirm and gets the Symplify unsubscribe status.

3. External unsubscribe
You set up the optout flow on your end and use our API to set the unsubscribe status. Or you can exclude unsubscribed recipients from your automated import which will inactivate them (but not set the unsubscribe status).

For Symplify custom unsubscribe and external unsubscribe you can offer your recipients to partly unsubscribe from your emails, read more about that here.

Unsubscribe levels

You can set your optout on different levels in Symplify; project level, database level and account level. The hierarchy will be used when the optout URL of your sendout is referring to {{message.unsubscribeUrl}}.

  • Project level
    External page or specified custom optout page will be used if selected. 
    Default optout will be used if nothing else is specified on database level.
  • Database level
    Database level will be applied if your project uses default optout.
    External page or specified custom optout page will be used if selected. 
    Default optout will be used if nothing else is specified on account level.
  • Account level
    External page or specified custom optout page will be used if selected.
    Default optout will be used if selected since nothing else is stated on any other level.


When choosing Existing Opt Out Page you can select an already created optout flow or you can create a new/separate one.

Just make sure to use the link type Unsubscribe in your sendout:


Let’s say the above settings are saved on project level, and you’ve made your settings on your English project, all emails sent from this project will be using the optout page “Optout ENG”.

SMS unsubscribe

There are two different methods for unsubscribing recipients when sending SMS (text messages).

  1. SMS unsubscribe inbox
    The recipient unsubscribes by sending an sms with a specific keyword that sets the mobile unsubscribe status in Symplify. Contact your Success manager if you want to set this up.
  2. Web unsubscribe
    You link to an optout form on your web where you match the specific customer and update the database in Symplify using our API.

Ignore opt out

There are occations when it’s necessary to ignore an unsubscribe status, for example when a customer that has opted out from your newsletters makes a purchase in your web shop. You then need to send messages connected to that purchase, like order and shipping confirmations.
When setting up a Journey you therefor have the option to ignore optout, which will send the message even if a recipient has previously opted out from your sendouts.
This functionality must be used extremely carefully to not upset your customers.

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