How to personalize content with data from the purchase history?


In order to answer this question, here is a link to a page on our help site: 

  • Handlebar Rundown - a wealth of information on customization, including a section on purchase history.

You can personalize your communications using all the columns of your purchase history. 

In order to target a specific event in your purchase history, you need to create a purchase history segment. The segment can be used as the main segment of a communication or content (on an email block for example).

  • The handlebar will retrieve the oldest value, based on TransactionDate, in the selected purchase history column corresponding to your segment.
  • The handlebar will retrieve the most recent value, based on TransactionDate, in the selected purchase history column corresponding to your segment.

Finally, it is possible to further customize the handlebar by adding snippets to "format" the purchase history data in your content. 

Here is more information about snippets.

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