Questions & Answers
Answers to the most asked questions
Autosend & Transactional
Purchase history
Account settings
Lists & Recipients
- What is an inactive contact?
- Why when I export a complete list, the number of contacts is higher than the number of subscribers to whom I send my newsletters?
- How do I export my active subscribers list?
- Why can't I create a new list ("Create new" button)?
- Why does the volume of contacts imported into Symplify is different from the volume of contacts in my excel (or .csv) list?
Segmentation - Personnalization
- How do I have the year automatically displayed at the bottom of my email?
- While trying to check a segment in the test section, I arrive with a different volume when I test in the top part and the bottom part. Why are the subscribed volumes different?
- How to personalize content with data from the purchase history?
Technical support
- Can I use deep linking in my sendout?
- What are the differences between Send Gate and Send Gate Plus?
- Why can't I get the API to work with the provided token?
- Why didn't my import work when I uploaded my file in the right folder on our SFTP?
- Why is our destination URL unsecured on our email and/or dynamic web when our SSL certificate is activated?
- How to replace the DNS entry of type A Record by the DNS entry of type CNAME?
- Can I add an attachment to my email?
- Why is text from my email in the preheader?
- What is BIMI and what do I need to do?
- How can I view the "view as a web page" of my old campaigns?
- Why is it that when I click "send" to deploy my email, the loading bar shows me the total number of subscribers on my list, but I used a segment to send my email to only a portion of my list?
- How can I view campaigns sent more than a year ago?
Email + Skins - Design, Styling and Content
- Why looks my text strange?
- My text is not visible in Gmail but is in other email clients
- How can I change the alignment of my button?
- How can I add a different social media link to my project?
- How can I change the size, color, font-family of my text?
- How do I change my logo?